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Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dark Shadow Rises

No, I'm not making a new movie on the lines of the new batman movie. Yes, you read the title right.

Two weeks after reading a sick news article on how a pea brained orangutan of a PhD student walked into a midnight screening of 'The Dark Knight Rises' and mercilessly opened fire with a SMG (Shit), an 12 guage Shotgum (Fuck), two .40 caliber handguns (Are you fucking kidding me??) and then got arrested while walking out to the parking lot with a suave gait, I found myself in the exact same setting where the murdered ghosts of those unfortunate people probably will haunt for eternity.

Let's start from the beginning - my friend from school  was paying me a visit  and having not seen each other for almost 5 freaking years, we realized that the best thing to do would be to go out for lunch and then catch a movie before doing some express shopping (Yes, my friend was a guy!).
After wolfing down a lunch that consisted of flavored rice cooked with chicken and spices (Biryani), mouth watering chicken legs roasted over a spit fire and a glass of lassi, we decided on a whim that the best thing to do was to catch the awesomeness that was the latest installment of Mr.Nolan's Batman trilogy. Having secured tickets for two at 300 bucks, we patiently waited at the screening while the support staff went thru their usual drill of making sure those pesky dumps of litter that wind up during the course of the previous screening were obliterated. Just as we were excitedly discussing how awesome it was to see this flick on the big screen - a germ of a very disturbing thought - surfaced in my head.

Now, my peeps would realize that I'm not entirely very happy or trusty about the world and that you would'nt find a better cynic than me even if you'd beat a half baked schizophrenic to death with a underwear while threatening him to go cynical (in case he already a'int). So, imagine my profound surprise when, no sooner the thought occurred my instinct prompted me to slowly and keenly observe each and every one of  the crowd that had turned up to watch the movie. What did I see?? A couple of teenagers raving about if BATS would die in this movie, two stoned dudes absolutely not knowing shit about where they were, a couple of chicks(cuties!!), a guy with his girlfriend(or wife - I'm guessing girlfriend because no wifey would be wearing a micro skirt, sleeveless top, 25inch heels and an insane push-up bra that made every single guy oogle), two expat couples who were indulging in PDA(not the vulgar type) and a riff raff of the normal crowd you'd see at the movies. Threat level - ZERO. That is good.

Killer?? WHO?? ME!???
So, then the movie continued peacefully and it was awesome!! But, somewhere during those 3 hours of absolute batshit insane action, there were parts of my brain that just would not block out the Colorado shooting incident. And, since I'm writing this down on my virtual space I will go ahead and say that to find yourself looking at the wrong end of the gun when you literaaly hope to have a good time with your friends and family in a theater is just wrong. It's bad enough that life can be pretty much snuffed out any minute, but having to kick the bucket because one fucked up motherfucker lost his shit is just way too sadistic even for Satan. I mean, how many of those people who lost their lives that night in that theater would have actually imagined that these would be their last few minutes and that a bloody theater would be their tomb?

It's almost like my brain played out a visual - I was sitting right in the last row - I could imagine a crazy guy, all dressed up, getting up in the middle of the fight sequences and pulling out a sick SMG and then spraying the hall with a shower of molten lead all the while screaming 'Everything burns Ala Joker' while the poor guys in the front have no idea if its just the movie sound effects (that incidentally would have a couple of nerd fans instantly jerking off at the almost real effects). Pardon my sexism there, but can you imagine it? Can you imagine how it would have been like for that guy who was out on a date trying to neck his girlfriend only to find out she has a bullet sized hole at the wrong end of her body? Can you imagine the terror of the newly wed couple who realized that their dream home will never be theirs? Can you imagine the horror of the group of students who realized that this is where they will die and not on the trauma division of a hospital having O.D.'ed on whatever it was they would have been shooting? Can you imagine the terror of the guy who became a dad 2 days ago when he realized that his new born will only get to see him in photos and live an entire life of being called bastard? Can you feel the pain of the woman who having spent a shitty week at work realized that she will never live to see the day her boyfriend proposes to her? or the pain of that lady with babies at home who depend on her to pull them thru their turbulent teens?

Can you feel the pain and horror of the people who dragged and stampeded over one another while making a mad rush for the exit - thus effectively blocking it - and realizing that they are truly and severely fucked? And all this for what? It's not like that scene in the Inglorious Basterds - where shooting a room full of Nazi motherfuckers would have meant peace to an entire world.(Wait, have the cops looked into this angle? The guy could have very well been inspired from this scene looking at the damage he caused. Someone call 911!!). All this, just because one psychotic idiot could not get his shit together. The fact that he was a Ph.D candidate is even more astoundingly absurd. What was he after? Fame? A life of anal probing in a maximum security prison? Death by electricity? WHAT??

Was he proving a point to the society by insinuating that the society was to blame for him being jobless? Or was it because he had a girl who'd refuse to blow him? Or was it because he was a cold blooded freak who just caused pain for the sake of pain - like the Joker in the last batman movie? And, someone please tell me - how the fuck did he get all that fire power into a goddamn theater in the US of Fucking A!!??.... How?? I could'nt steal a plastic water gun through security at a mall in India. Questions. Questions. And no clear answers yet. Listen, just do me a favor - bind a couple of dynamite sticks to this guy and blow his ass up 3000 miles away from anywhere.

There really is nothing much to do. Because no matter how much security you keep in place, people who want to kill - will find new ways to kill. The only thing it does to the rest of us is make us trust the world a lot less and fear our lives a little more. As if the amount of fear in today's society was not enough already. I'm not an expert at providing solutions to improve homeland security but I will say this much :

When you have a shooting on that scale and the government you pay to elect decides to ban costumes at movie theaters in the future. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Dedicated to everyone who lost their lives in the Colorado Shooting Incident and to the millions of others who's lives are a little more sadder and empty as a fallout. You guys are free birds now - enjoy your freedom - its the rest of us who'll be scarred and none the better for it.

Didn't see that coming. Did'cha?

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