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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Three Long Years!!

Holy Shit!! It takes me 3 bloody darn years to find out my OWN blog!! :P How fucking lame is that!?..... And in those 3 years, I'v put on 20 kilos of fat [Not muscle but FAT!], kicked a drug addiction, come back from looking like a zombie without a care on a body without a head from the night of the living dead, gotten a job AND lost it [Fuck, that was INSANE!!], dated a wonderful human being [That was new!], Gotten a beautiful stratocaster [whom I call Elvira - which means True soul], made a couple of darn good friends, kept in touch with old ones, made a lot of people proud by actually having the courage and the balls to survive and not die like a castrated bitch on a heroin binge, learnt to delve myself deeper into the amazing awesomeness that music and especially rock and roll is! [I just love the part where you can play a song and trip out on awesome music without the need to feel high over it], Gotten a new job and that too in a city that is new to me!!! [I'm keeping this one for good; ANYONE who thought I dont belong in a corporate - EAT YOUR HEART OUT BITCHES!!!]....... So, yeah, life has pretty much been an awesome ride....... :)

These are my last few days here in BengaLOOORu....[Pathetic change of name from good'ol BANG - A - LORE - Oh well! It's not like you ever ever had any say in the state of affairs of MY OWN country, despite the fact that I'm the one doing the govt a favr by paying all their bills and helping THEM feed THEIR goddamn spawn of 2200 kids, relatives, kunks [Gotta thank a very dear and sweet friend for giving me that!] and oh well, whatever; you get the idea right!?

Anyway, 3 years is a long time - kinda feels funny that, when I created my Blog in the first place I was neck deep in substance abuse and almost looked like someone very very sick and when I'm wanting to re kindle this passion, I'm out of all that and look more healthier [ NOT happier but definitely healthier - Do'h like that even matters?] Feels kinda funny that I was such a snob to completely ignore my own mental space in the virtual world for THIS long. But, on the other hand..... Looking at my first blog I realise - DUDE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!?...... :P Funnily enough, it seems like I almost felt like a trapped teen 3 years ago and now all of a sudden, with friends I have spent intense and enjoyable years all long dead on deadly cocktails of OD's... I feel like I have seen enough to even take anything about life seriously. It's almost like Life looking you in the eyes and going - " BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [Insert evil laugh here!!] You are NEVER EVER gonna get out of life alive mate! So buckle up and enjoy the journey rather than the destination!! "......

Oh well, Its a good second start i will say..... Looking forward to getting back here more often and oh, I'm a lil rusty with my punctuation and stuff...... I will dig out that old copy of Wren and Martin out and promise that in the next coupl'a more visits, your experience will be much more enjoyable!!

Until then, My bad!!!

Cya around,

Hopelessly lost and spaced out permanent!

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