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Monday, July 9, 2012

Something Random, Something Nice - Whatt'e S'prise!

This past weekend was fucking awesome!... :D

Alright, ya filthy Attention monger - Cheer up before I open a can of whoop ass on ye!
Literally one of the best weekends ever since I moved into this Godforsaken village I call home. I mean, seriously; when the only idea of entertainment in a city is to sit thru an entire day in the cinemas only to top it off with a couple of potent drinks that'd put a drunken monkey to shame, the idea of having a couple of your friends crash one of your boring weekends just to watch that priceless reaction on your face is actually pretty nice!

And, that is precisely what happened to me! Imagine traveling thru rail, bus and a goddamn bullock cart thru 1000 Kms and two states, just to meet up with a person as severely retarded as me [Trust me here, if I'd have a brain analysis done, I could easily apply for disability quota] it does say something. And all this, for the simple reason that when I spoke to; let's call him 'M' and told him that life is so pathetic that hanging myself into oblivion seems so much more exciting. Given the fact that it came out of my mouth - it drove a couple of perfectly awesome guys - fucking nuts.... Ooops!! Guess, having a pal like me makes you do those kinda cute stuff eh?....

So imagine my profound surprise on the level of : " Wha'tha fuck you guys doing a 1000 miles away from home on an early saturday morning!!!?", followed by "You guys came down all the way just to cheer ME up!?.... Fuck!! You guys are fucking insane!!!!"... Yeah, you get the idea....

The weekend itself was awesome. Lots of sight seeing in a city considered to be rich in history, gastronomical adventurism, a crazy shopping hunt for some particular topi[skull cap], wolfing down sinful kebabs and mint based rotis[flattened bread; baked like pancakes], a nightcap under the bright moon and stars, complete with some 'Bud'weizer therapy and seeing who can identify the most number of constellations.....Yes. It was a weekend spent and spent well!

Thank God for friends who spring these small little things on you that makes you smile. I'm glad I do have the handful of friends who genuinely care enough about me, to abuse the shit outta me every time I even think about life being meaningless...:)

So? What's the best thing your friends have done for you lately?..:)

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