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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Alone but not Lonely........ Right?..

Loneliness is a crazy and a retarded feeling..... More strange than either crazy or retarded. And, that is what makes it all the more difficult to ignore..... When you have a feeling, that follows you like a silent butler, shadowing everything you do, like someone; or something slowly chocking you and dragging you deep into depths you don't want to perceive, yet never making you feel fatally endangered - how do you learn to ignore that? Or even worse, cope and get on through as if nothing's amiss.......

It's not that loneliness is such a bad thing. Sometimes, the best days in my life have been when I have had a crushing sense of loneliness that somehow makes me pensive (Well, pensive 'er') and puts me at the risk of spitting out venom like this.... But anyhow, what I'm saying is that loneliness at the worst makes your day very very quiet.... And it is funny how through the stress of a 'normal' working day, people just wish and hope for peace and quiet and when that moment arrives, freak out like the world is on a really vile acid trip....

Loners really have no problem being alone. Really. But, the rhetoric question is - does being alone pave the way to loneliness? Or does being lonely mean that you are alone?.... Why does the society place so much importance on being engaged even at the cost of incompatibility? Is it because the society has the best interest of the individual? If the society cared so much about matters of the mind and psyche to prevent people from feeling lonely, then why is that people seeking professional help for matters of the mind and psyche ridiculed and looked upon as queer?..... And, what is that very fine line that separates sanity from insanity - from being a loner to being lonely.....?

The need to be with someone is a basic human emotion and because there is so much of said and unsaid bullshit in this world, that sometimes being in a relationship itself would cause the maximum heartburn. Too much expectations, too little trust, too much male chauvinism, too little femininity, too long or too short, whatever....... Sometimes it looks swell to stay a loner. But, just because someone is a loner, does not mean that they are lonely. Loneliness is more a matter of the mind than of the heart. It is more a matter or reacting to conditioned societal stimuli than a matter of crippling depression, it is more a matter or being proud of who you are; rather than looking up to the society for validation.

So by all means, be a loner. Fall in love with yourself, explore yourself, enjoy your own company and look at life from your perspective until you are happy to just be. For, if you do not realize your own worth and do not enjoy your own company; then how do you expect someone else to enjoy it for you? Do not let the society decide whom and when to see and what to call it..... For, the more you understand yourself, the better someone else will understand you. After all, a relationship is about two people - each with his own warped opinions on life that the other should only strive to accept and tolerate and never change.

Be happy to be alone. Be alone to be happy.

[But, don't let me decide for you!]

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