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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sitting at home and warming up the couch...

wat's it wit me gettin a severe attack of acne the day i 've got something important coming up?? just when i was looking forward to going out for a bit... you know, i find it really crazy that the worst of things happen on the best made plans....:( Murphy's Law holds true my friend!!.....
And it's about time this infernal thing eased up cuz its been a long time now... sure i have an etremely allergic reaction to shaving blades.... but to this extent tat your face looks red istead of normal brown????? @#$#$#%%&!!!!! WTF!!!... and dig people tellin u all sort'a killer remedies;) some good... but most-craaaaziee!!!... tat's the worst part cuz u dont jus wanna go and talk to people with a fucking red face.... and wat it does to your confidence is another matter all together..
but like...HELL!!! m' 21!!... i think all tat jack crap bout hormones and me contolling oil intake is shit cuz i dont eat nothin from outside often.... once a while.... yeah!! tat's wat ya' call the simple joys of life... but no matter what i do... the thing is- when u get it.. you really do get it!!.... Another version of good old MURPHY'S LAW... So while i cant help it... mite jus take a day off and relax cuz m gonna get into a lotta crap later wen ma' attendance in college dips!!!;) muha ha ha ha!!! I LOVE MURPHY'S LAWS!! oh dear...